Quest treasures and underground balancing

Hi there, i’m Xsx finally posting again after my little break 😀

While Jack is fixing all the bugs and doing all the code work,  i’m working hard to give the undergrounds always something fun and new to do and find.

In this screenshot you can see various treasure spawns, minerals, gems, some different caves that are under heavy work, and the spawn points for the quests that you will get in your hand crafted mailbox. It’s hard to explain every bit, but you should get an idea of what to expect down there 😀

We are adding new things day by day, so expect more news coming soon!



10 thoughts on “Quest treasures and underground balancing

  1. Hey XSX, welcome back! I hope you enjoyed your vacation. The mini map for treasures, minerals, and caves looks absolutely massive. Looks fun.


  2. Hi, not exactly. The colored green to red zones are spawns that will be used for dynamic treasures depending on what quest are you doing. Plus lots of various other treasures and gems too.


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