First Buildings!

Hi all!

As requested by many, here is an overview of one of the structures that you will be able to build with the materials gathered in the world of Junk Jack.

More to come in the future updates.

Thanks for your support, guys!

32 thoughts on “First Buildings!

  1. One other (and last, because I’m sorry for the multiple post) question, do you need an engineer to the music of the game ? :p


  2. Yeah! We now have buildings! Good work guys. I notice some sort of box like object next to the cow may I ask what it is?


  3. I actually like those smaller windows blackcap did compared to the bigger ones. Scale em down a bit jack


  4. I like the big windows, Leave them. Are you getting close to releasing this? I have been following it for a while and can’t wait to get my hands on it.


  5. Good suggestion BlackCat. Although, I still kind of like the bigger windows. It gives the building more of a friendly/homey look to it.


  6. How about because of the differing opinions on good window size, there be an option for a large window or small window?


  7. Or you could some how make the initial window size right in between the size of the small window and the big window. This will make the window look like a more realistic size and still be big enough to make the house look homey.


  8. Hi, the multiplayer isn’t planned yet. But take this with a grain of salt, since we don’t know what will happen in the future. Maybe we’ll think of it if the game is well received by the community.


  9. It’s a “showcase block”, like a library, but you will collect treasures there with an apposite ui. The graphics isn’t finished yet, so it may change completely


  10. Regarding the windows discussion: thanks for the suggestions, but the windows have that shape because it was needed..we have many ideas for the building part that may be used in the future depending on the game support as usual! 😀


  11. buddy, who do you think you are?? PixBits has their rights to charge what they think is reasonable, not you.


  12. i found out about this game about a week ago but i never looked into it and now that i have i must say that it looks amazing! I will definitely be getting this when it comes out


  13. Calm yourself. I can’t make long posts about how much I just think this not demand it. I’m just throwing ideas. No need to get angry. I respect PixBits in every way possible.


  14. Hey I’m new to this site, don’t know if I’m commenting in the right place or not 😛 just wondering, I’d would be really cool if their were hostile mobs that could break down doors, and also, mobs that would help the player e.g. Dogs or cats! (or turtles, everyone loves turtles 😉


  15. Oh btw, when I said I’m new, I just meant on commenting ;p I’ve been following this site for ages 😀


  16. I’m afraid that I might not beable to play this game because I’ll be dead from this games PURE AWSOMENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  17. Hehehe 🙂
    But in all seriousness I am very excited for this games arrival and I cant wait to see what kind of hidden and secret objects there will be 😀


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